Month: February 2019

Where’s the Best Place for Your Thermostat?

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someone changing the temperature of a thermostat

Your thermostat plays a crucial role in maintaining the comfort of your home. It is especially important during the hot of summer and the cold of winter. After all, it is responsible for controlling your heating and cooling system to adjust the temperature in your home. One way to ensure that your heating and cooling system is the most efficient it can be for your home, is by making sure that your thermostat is installed in the optimal location. Here are a few tips to make sure that your thermostat is in the best place.

1. Away from Air Vents & Sunlight

If your thermostat is placed too close to air vents or in direct sunlight, chances are it can give you a false reading of the temperature in your home. For example, if you turn your air conditioner on and your thermostat is next to vents, the cool air will blow onto the thermostat making the system think that your home is cool, thus causing the system to cut off. This can happen with both the cooling and heating of your home. If the thermostat is in direct sunlight it may read that your home is warmer than it actually is – either causing the air conditioning to stay on longer in the summer or the heat to not stay on long enough in the winter. Oh, and remember not only does sunlight come through windows, but through skylights as well!

2. On An Inside Wall In A Central Area

Your thermostat reading is supposed to represent the “average” temperature in your home. Placing it on an inside wall in a central area will allow it to interact with your home’s natural air environment. With it being placed on an inside wall, you won’t have to worry about sunlight from your east or west facing windows affecting the reading. Plus, with it being in a central area your family spends the most time in, it will help make sure that this area is comfortable. You wouldn’t want to put your thermostat in a location that isn’t used much.

3. Outside Master Bedroom

One common area to place a thermostat is outside the master bedroom. This is often a space where the thermostat can easily be placed on an inside wall, and away from sunlight – since this is usually a hallway. And, because you spend a lot of time in the master bedroom, it can ensure maximum home comfort when you are sleeping.

4. Mounted 52-60” Above The Floor

In residential properties, you want your thermostat to be sensing the same air temperature as where you are standing. We recommend mounting it 52-60” above the floor. Remember, warm air rises so you don’t want to mount it to high either. In commercial properties, there are ADA requirements for the placement of thermostats so that they are easily accessible to those in wheelchairs. Be sure to check this requirement before installing a thermostat in a commercial property.

Whether you are experiencing uneven temperatures or higher energy bills, replacing your HVAC unit, or remodeling your home, it is important to make sure that your thermostat is mounted in the best location for YOUR home! If your thermostat is installed somewhere that is affecting the temperature reading, you may experience problems with accuracy at the expense of your home comfort and electricity bill. Need help installing your thermostat properly? Contact the professionals at Advance Mechanical Heating & Air Conditioning in Greenville, NC. We’d love to help! Oh, and check out these Wi-Fi thermostats! They are the icing on the cake for your energy-saving, high-efficiency heating and air conditioning system.