Month: April 2019

Benefits of Programmable Thermostats

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Programmable thermostat

In recent years, programmable thermostats have become more and more popular in homes and businesses across the nation – and it’s for good reason too! Making the simple switch from a manual thermostat to a programmable one offers many benefits to your home, your comfort, AND your wallet!


One of the biggest benefits offered by programmable thermostats is their ability to save you money on energy bills. These thermostats allow users to create a schedule that follows the family’s, or businesses, routine, to keep the temperature inside cool or warm when you are there but ease up on energy usage when no one is there. For example, if you install a programmable thermostat in your business, you may have it ease up at night and on the weekends when no one is in the building. This is very important! As we’ve said before, for every degree you raise or lower the temperature during the heat of summer or cool of winter, you can save up to 2 percent on your bill! No more having the AC blasting when you aren’t home!


Another great thing about programmable thermostats is their ability to help you maintain the perfect, consistent temperature throughout your home or office. We all know this is especially relevant to eastern North Carolina – where we can go from freezing temperatures in the morning to summertime weather in the afternoons. So, instead of having to crank up the heat or blast the AC during a temperature change, a programmable thermostat can run at a constant level. Programmable thermostats also help you to avoid hot or cold spots in different areas of your home or business.


Adding to the benefits of programmable thermostats is that, compared to manual thermostats, you will spend less time adjusting them. For example, with a manual thermostat you have to go to the wall unit to make adjustment before you leave – a practice many of us neglect in the first place. Then, when you return, before you go to bed and when you wake up, you have to readjust again. With programmable thermostats, you can set your schedule per season, and forget about it!


Programmable thermostats come in many different styles, from simple to complex, allowing you the most control over energy use and comfort levels. Smart, or Wi-Fi, programmable thermostats can even be controlled right on your smart phone – allowing you to adjust the temperature in your home or business from anywhere!

BONUS – Smart thermostats are also great for monitoring the temperature in a rental property or vacation home.

Looking for the right programmable thermostat? Let the professionals at Advance Mechanical Heating & Air Conditioning in Greenville, NC guide you to energy savings. Our licensed and experienced technicians have the knowledge to help you reduce your energy use and keep your space comfortable! Call us today to learn more!