Month: April 2020

Protect Your Family with the Power of UV Lights

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Clean Air through UV Light illustration

The air in our home may contain millions of particles, most so small they are impossible to see. No matter how clean you keep your home, there will still be particles in the air that you continually breathe in. Your HVAC system circulates air through your home, which means mold, bacteria, and viruses can easily spread.

How Does UV Light Work?

HVAC Ultraviolet Light acts as a cleaning agent, fighting against bad microorganisms. UV light disrupts the DNA and RNA of germs, which ultimately kills their ability to multiply. Using UV lights in your home’s HVAC system is a great way to disinfect the air inside without using chemicals.

Hospitals, healthcare facilities and even office buildings have adopted UV light for HVAC. Along with keeping germs from spreading, UV light may be a last defense against bacteria and viruses that have become drug resistant.


Fights Mold, Germs, and Odors

Removes Allergens

Improves Indoor Air Quality

Provides Cleaner Central Air

Helps System Efficiency

Reduces Energy Consumption

Chemical-Free Disinfection

Safe & Effective

Love the Air You Breathe

Protect your home’s indoor air quality and enhance the comfort of your home with the power of UV Lights! Call Advance Mechanical Heating & Air Conditioning today to learn more.


Why Air Purifiers Are Important

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Not only is clean air important, but it is essential to us all! But, with so much air pollution it can be hard to achieve clean air in your home. Did you know that, the EPA has found that indoor air can be anywhere from two to five times more polluted than outdoor air! Shocking, right? Even the cleanest room in your home can be filled with invisible particles and dirt that can be bad for your health and intensify existing health issues, like asthma and allergies.

Luckily, there is a way to have cleaner indoor air – air purifiers! Air purifiers are appliances that assist in the removal of pollutants from the air. They are especially helpful and important to those who suffer from illnesses! At Advance Mechanical Heating and Air Conditioning, we offer many types of air purifying systems to improve your indoor air quality.

Air Purifying Options:

HEPA Filters

HEPA (high-efficiency particulate arrestance) filters are very effective at preventing the spread of airborne bacteria and pollutants. These filters are critical in preventing the spread of bacterial and viral organisms in the air. To be considered a HEPA filter, the filter must meet certain standards set forth by the United States Department of Energy. This includes an air filter that removes 99.9% of particles that are 0.3 µm or larger.

Oxy Quantum

The Oxy Quantum UV Light is the ultimate device in duct-mounted air purification. It reduces or eliminates mold, germs, viruses, bacteria and toxic gases from the air in your home.

MicroPower Guard

This product uses an active electromagnetic field to magnetize both airborne particles and fibers of the disposable filter pad. This creates a “force field” within your ductwork that can capture even the smallest of dangerous, submicron airborne particles.

To see even more of our indoor air quality products, click here.

Why They Are Important

Now that you know more about the products we offer to improve your indoor air quality, you may be asking, “Why are air purifiers so important?”. You may think that your air is “healthy enough”, but can you really be sure? After all, many different things can contribute to unhealthy indoor air, including pets, cleaning products, pollen (and it is pollen season!) and more.

Here are just a few reasons why air purifiers are so important.

  1. They reduce respiratory diseases and allergies.
  2. They help circulate cleaner air in your home.
  3. They filter out large particles like hair, dust and pet fur.
  4. They can remove bad odor from the air.

If you’re ready to improve your home’s indoor air quality or learn more about what differences an air purifier can make for your family, give us a call today!